I'm printing things for my portfolio and it's taking freakin' forever. Is it sick that I'm actually excited for my interviews?
Grade: 100
My Fair Lady and college things.
I really like MFL, and I'm really surprised. :)
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
dkjfad 12/16/09
Filled out Montclair honors college app... THE ADMISSIONS OFFICER DIDN'T CALL ME BACK. :(
Grade: 100
My Fair Lady. I actually really like it.
Filled out Montclair honors college app... THE ADMISSIONS OFFICER DIDN'T CALL ME BACK. :(
Grade: 100
My Fair Lady. I actually really like it.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Zebra chaser! (12/15/09)
* Requested letters of rec from Ms. Paprota and Ms. Meagher-Diello.
* Worked on editing of Don't Cut Class.
Grade: 100
We teched all day. Struck dance show. Started hanging lights for senior showcase.
* Requested letters of rec from Ms. Paprota and Ms. Meagher-Diello.
* Worked on editing of Don't Cut Class.
Grade: 100
We teched all day. Struck dance show. Started hanging lights for senior showcase.
Friday, December 11, 2009
So much for the simple hearts (12/11)
The only day I didn't stay after this week...
Grade: 100
Edited Jumbo, Fishbone and The River Behind the Guard Rail. Woohoo. I'm gonna enter Fishbone in the NJ Playwrights' thinger.
Grade: 100
Edited Jumbo, Fishbone and The River Behind the Guard Rail. Woohoo. I'm gonna enter Fishbone in the NJ Playwrights' thinger.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Where'd you get that orange belt? (12/03/09)
Submitted Depaul and Ohio applications. I need to get my portfolio stuff out... Like, now.
Grade: 100
Submitted Depaul and Ohio applications. I need to get my portfolio stuff out... Like, now.
Grade: 100
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Swat that fly! (12/01/09)
Journal: Portfolio gatherings. Bolero memorization.
Grade: 100
5th - 8th: TECH!
Grade: 100
5th - 8th: TECH!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Crap (11/30/09)
Finished Pygmalion. Started DCC rough cut. Memorizing Bolero.
Grade: 100
5th: Started writing a critical anaylsis for my SUNY portfolio.
6th & 7th: Discussed Pygmalion with freshmen.
8th: Met with Cipperly about college stuff.
Finished Pygmalion. Started DCC rough cut. Memorizing Bolero.
Grade: 100
5th: Started writing a critical anaylsis for my SUNY portfolio.
6th & 7th: Discussed Pygmalion with freshmen.
8th: Met with Cipperly about college stuff.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Alternative Route to Brick Lake Avenue
Memorizing Bolero.
Ohio U application is done.
Grade: 100
Striking/tech all four periods. I drilled legs into platforms. My wrist hurts. Okay, bye.
Memorizing Bolero.
Ohio U application is done.
Grade: 100
Striking/tech all four periods. I drilled legs into platforms. My wrist hurts. Okay, bye.
Monday, November 23, 2009
I've got friends in all the right places (11/23)
I'm researching the faculty. Hurrah? Today's school is DePaul. Tomorrow's will be Ohio. I also submitted my Montclair application... There was no essay on there? Weird. Whatever, maybe it's part of a supplemental that you don't get until after you pay, like SUNY. Anyway, yeah. Bye.
Grade: 100
5th: Interview talk.
6th & 7th: Finished the last of my essays, found the requirements for the portfolios at all of my colleges and listened to Weezer.
8th: Mock interviews with Katelin and Javi.
I'm researching the faculty. Hurrah? Today's school is DePaul. Tomorrow's will be Ohio. I also submitted my Montclair application... There was no essay on there? Weird. Whatever, maybe it's part of a supplemental that you don't get until after you pay, like SUNY. Anyway, yeah. Bye.
Grade: 100
5th: Interview talk.
6th & 7th: Finished the last of my essays, found the requirements for the portfolios at all of my colleges and listened to Weezer.
8th: Mock interviews with Katelin and Javi.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I love it when a plan's gonna come together eventually (11/12/09)
Showcase materials... Yay. I'm so tired of this.
Grade: 100
Phillip Watt. Hurrah. I did well today. My monologue was... organic. Had a couple of really good, organic impulses.
Showcase materials... Yay. I'm so tired of this.
Grade: 100
Phillip Watt. Hurrah. I did well today. My monologue was... organic. Had a couple of really good, organic impulses.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Essays... Gathering showcase materials...
Grade: 100
5th/6th/7th/8th: Monologue workshop with Phillip Watt.
Essays... Gathering showcase materials...
Grade: 100
5th/6th/7th/8th: Monologue workshop with Phillip Watt.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
They're strange, but we share the same blood (10/13/09)
Dialoging bullshit for my essay... Trying my hardest. Whatever. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college.
Grade: 100
5th: Essay talk. Gave Katelin feedback.
6th & 7th: History lesson. Took notes on modernism. (We are living in post-post-modernism?)
8th: More essay talk.
Dialoging bullshit for my essay... Trying my hardest. Whatever. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college.
Grade: 100
5th: Essay talk. Gave Katelin feedback.
6th & 7th: History lesson. Took notes on modernism. (We are living in post-post-modernism?)
8th: More essay talk.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
My backpack's got jets (10/08/09)
Don't Cut Class shooting test today... We worked on quite a complicated shot. Haha.
Grade: 100
5th: Budget talk.
6th & 7th: Tech with Sisco. To-do list is up on Google docs.
8th: Marketing talk!
Grade: 100
5th: Budget talk.
6th & 7th: Tech with Sisco. To-do list is up on Google docs.
8th: Marketing talk!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I don't wanna bowl for Fedorka (10/07/09)
Stayed after for Hope's auditions today. (Extra credit. <333)
Grade: 100
5th: Talked about open houses and college application stuff and... Yeah. It was all over the place.
6th: Neighborhood 3 auditions.
7th & 8th: Giant Dinosaur tech!!!!
Grade: 100
5th: Talked about open houses and college application stuff and... Yeah. It was all over the place.
6th: Neighborhood 3 auditions.
7th & 8th: Giant Dinosaur tech!!!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I've got a new straitjacket in the same old room (10/06/09)
Contemplated new thesis...
Sent schedules to my extras for Don't Cut Class.
By the way! I have these folks as my extras so far:
* Gabe Spector
* Allison McCabe
* Jon Gryl
* Katelyn Covington
* Emily Kates
* Daria Hunter
(But I need more...)
Grade: 100
5th: Essay talk.
6th & 7th: Critical thinking (MIND FUCK) and Modernism. Read Six Characters In Search of An Author.
8th: More essay talk.
Contemplated new thesis...
Sent schedules to my extras for Don't Cut Class.
By the way! I have these folks as my extras so far:
* Gabe Spector
* Allison McCabe
* Jon Gryl
* Katelyn Covington
* Emily Kates
* Daria Hunter
(But I need more...)
Grade: 100
5th: Essay talk.
6th & 7th: Critical thinking (MIND FUCK) and Modernism. Read Six Characters In Search of An Author.
8th: More essay talk.
Monday, October 5, 2009
The radio plays our favorite song (10/5/09)
Portfolio work. Sent two plays for feedback. Looked at all colleges' submission requirements... SUNY and OSU are the only complicated ones.
Grade: 100
5th: Talked about portfolios and auditions.
6th & 7th: Viewpoints with freshmen.
8th: More portfolio stuff... Looked up portfolio requirements for schools.
Portfolio work. Sent two plays for feedback. Looked at all colleges' submission requirements... SUNY and OSU are the only complicated ones.
Grade: 100
5th: Talked about portfolios and auditions.
6th & 7th: Viewpoints with freshmen.
8th: More portfolio stuff... Looked up portfolio requirements for schools.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Calm like a bomb (10/01/09)
Journal: Production meeting/camera test for Don't Cut Class.
Grade: 100
5th: Resume talk.
6th & 7th: Independent activities/Meisner with freshmen.
8th: Stupid newspaper.
Grade: 100
5th: Resume talk.
6th & 7th: Independent activities/Meisner with freshmen.
8th: Stupid newspaper.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I like your new hair (9/30/09)
* Don't Cut Class schedule.
* E-mailed potential extras.
* Revising Shawn's essay.
Grade: 100
5th & 6th & 7th: Scheduling.
8th: Budgeting lecture.
* Don't Cut Class schedule.
* E-mailed potential extras.
* Revising Shawn's essay.
Grade: 100
5th & 6th & 7th: Scheduling.
8th: Budgeting lecture.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The Pencil Rain (9/29)
Letter of rec requests... Worked on revising my essay on Shawn... Started reading Six Characters In Search of An Author... Uh...
Grade: 100
5th: Essay talk. Gave Katelin feedback.
6th & 7th: Neighborhood 3: Requisition of Doom auditions.
8th: Essay talk. Contemplated our thesis statements.
Thesis: One's creative presence supersedes their physical.
Note to self: Don't be pretentious. It's not my brand.
Letter of rec requests... Worked on revising my essay on Shawn... Started reading Six Characters In Search of An Author... Uh...
Grade: 100
5th: Essay talk. Gave Katelin feedback.
6th & 7th: Neighborhood 3: Requisition of Doom auditions.
8th: Essay talk. Contemplated our thesis statements.
Thesis: One's creative presence supersedes their physical.
Note to self: Don't be pretentious. It's not my brand.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Your minutes are up now (9/21/09)
Read Four by Christopher Shin. No monologue for me. The only character whose type I fit has one monologue and it's extremely passive. Maybe something from True West? I'm not sure. I need a contemporary dramatic...
Grade: 100
5th - 7th period: Headshots
8th: Looked for monologue
Debate Notes:
1. Should art always show good triumphant?
If that is how the events truthfully play out, then yes. While I believe an unhappy ending is fine where it's warranted, an ending completely devoid of hope is very rare. Even if you take some of the unhappiest endings of all time, there are still sparks of hope, however dim, at the end. For example, the Capulets and the Montagues resolve their feud over the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Horatio lives on to tell Hamlet's story and Fortinbras takes over Denmark.
And even if the ending for the subjects of the work of art are dismal, the hopelessness of it is the hope of changing the way people see things after seeing the hopeless art. For example:
While it seems rather hopeless for the young boy, who is moments from death, but the photo stands as an icon of awareness of the devastating famines that have plagued Africa for years and continue to this day.*
2. Should art follow truth without concern to social codes and moral values?
Yes, of course. Although, I think if there's anything frivolous about the breaking of the conventions, it's just as bad as conforming to bad ones. It's like a high schooler running down the hallway screaming "fuck you" to everyone he passes. There's no real purpose for it besides to shock people.
I think it should have a justifiable (by the artist) reason for breaking the "rules."
* (The photographer of this photo committed suicide three months later. Thought that was an interesting bit of information.)
Read Four by Christopher Shin. No monologue for me. The only character whose type I fit has one monologue and it's extremely passive. Maybe something from True West? I'm not sure. I need a contemporary dramatic...
Grade: 100
5th - 7th period: Headshots
8th: Looked for monologue
Debate Notes:
1. Should art always show good triumphant?
If that is how the events truthfully play out, then yes. While I believe an unhappy ending is fine where it's warranted, an ending completely devoid of hope is very rare. Even if you take some of the unhappiest endings of all time, there are still sparks of hope, however dim, at the end. For example, the Capulets and the Montagues resolve their feud over the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Horatio lives on to tell Hamlet's story and Fortinbras takes over Denmark.
And even if the ending for the subjects of the work of art are dismal, the hopelessness of it is the hope of changing the way people see things after seeing the hopeless art. For example:

2. Should art follow truth without concern to social codes and moral values?
Yes, of course. Although, I think if there's anything frivolous about the breaking of the conventions, it's just as bad as conforming to bad ones. It's like a high schooler running down the hallway screaming "fuck you" to everyone he passes. There's no real purpose for it besides to shock people.
I think it should have a justifiable (by the artist) reason for breaking the "rules."
* (The photographer of this photo committed suicide three months later. Thought that was an interesting bit of information.)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Portfolio work. Looking at all of my plays and screenplays and choosing the best bits and pieces.
Grade: 100
5th: Portfolio work.
6th & 7th: Four minutes of reality.
8th: Portfolio work.
Portfolio work. Looking at all of my plays and screenplays and choosing the best bits and pieces.
Grade: 100
5th: Portfolio work.
6th & 7th: Four minutes of reality.
8th: Portfolio work.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I don't know (9/16/09)
* Contact sheet (Google Doc)
* Worked on Common App essay.
* DePaul application.
Grade: 100
5th: Collaboration lecture.
6th & 7th: taught freshmen aboutchutes catwalks and ladders.
8th: Camera equipment inventory.
Made a date for working on the shot sheet with Katelin.
* Contact sheet (Google Doc)
* Worked on Common App essay.
* DePaul application.
Grade: 100
5th: Collaboration lecture.
6th & 7th: taught freshmen about
8th: Camera equipment inventory.
Made a date for working on the shot sheet with Katelin.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Illusions (9/15/09)
Proposal for showcase
Google Group
E-mailed script
Shot-by-shot schedule
Grade: 100
5th: Essay talk. I wrote a pretty crappy essay in the fifteen minute exercise, but it gave me ideas, so that's good.
6th-7th: History/debate with the freshmen. That kid John is cool.
8th: Got a topic for my common app essay. (Due Tuesday.)
Proposal for showcase
Google Group
E-mailed script
Shot-by-shot schedule
Grade: 100
5th: Essay talk. I wrote a pretty crappy essay in the fifteen minute exercise, but it gave me ideas, so that's good.
6th-7th: History/debate with the freshmen. That kid John is cool.
8th: Got a topic for my common app essay. (Due Tuesday.)
Monday, September 14, 2009
And we're back... (9/14/09)
Hammered out scheduling conflicts with Bicsko.
E-mailed Aladren.
Made final revisions to script.
Make shot-by-shot schedule.
Send out script.
Grade: 100
Monologue talk 5th period.
Movement/voice with Freshmen. I helped some of them improve their centers. (6th and 7th)
Talked to Bicsko, worked on shot sheet 8th period.
Hammered out scheduling conflicts with Bicsko.
E-mailed Aladren.
Made final revisions to script.
Make shot-by-shot schedule.
Send out script.
Grade: 100
Monologue talk 5th period.
Movement/voice with Freshmen. I helped some of them improve their centers. (6th and 7th)
Talked to Bicsko, worked on shot sheet 8th period.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Ewew grosssss
Grade: 100
We sorta had a history lesson today? I dunno, it was one of those informal days where we spent half the class talking instead of having an actual lesson to do. Learned about Cardinal Richelieudouchebag and his Neoclassical This-Is-Perfect-Art format of plays.
Stayed after for the dance show today. Sons and Daughters is sounding pretty good. I just lost the game. Byebye.
We sorta had a history lesson today? I dunno, it was one of those informal days where we spent half the class talking instead of having an actual lesson to do. Learned about Cardinal Richelieudouchebag and his Neoclassical This-Is-Perfect-Art format of plays.
Stayed after for the dance show today. Sons and Daughters is sounding pretty good. I just lost the game. Byebye.
Daniel Baker
Daniel Baker
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I'm a midnight toker
Both Days:
JUMBO - 30 minutes
I'm now up to three scenes and twenty-something pages... Cool. I think some of the cursing may be frivolous, but I'm just gonna worry about that when I go back to write a second draft.
Grade: 100
Helped Matt finish hanging lights for dance show... Nothing too exciting about that.
Grade: 100
Read Speech & Debate in class... Pretty awesome. Signed myself on as an assistant director.
JUMBO - 30 minutes
I'm now up to three scenes and twenty-something pages... Cool. I think some of the cursing may be frivolous, but I'm just gonna worry about that when I go back to write a second draft.
Grade: 100
Helped Matt finish hanging lights for dance show... Nothing too exciting about that.
Grade: 100
Read Speech & Debate in class... Pretty awesome. Signed myself on as an assistant director.
Beep Beep,
I'm A Jeep
I'm A Jeep
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
What's wrong?
Writing: 30 minutes
Worked on JUMBO for a bit and also started throwing shit against the wall for my one-man play. I have a subject and a title (of course, leave it to me to think of the title first.)
Grade: 100
Struck for the dancers, started hanging lights... I seem to be caught in a cycle.
Worked on JUMBO for a bit and also started throwing shit against the wall for my one-man play. I have a subject and a title (of course, leave it to me to think of the title first.)
Grade: 100
Struck for the dancers, started hanging lights... I seem to be caught in a cycle.
You know what,
You know who
You know who
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Load up on guns, bring your friends
Writing: 30 minutes - JUMBO
Grade: 100, NHS rehearsal + college discussion.
Grade: 100, worked on play during classtime in CAD.
Stayed after to tech NHS ceremony.
Writing: 30 minutes - JUMBO
JUMBO is a new play that I started working on... Three male characters, 22 fucks in 16 pages... Sounds a lot like David Mamet. Probably going to end up being my second two-act play.
Grade: 100
We had a history lesson today on Commedia Del 'Arte... I love history. Took notes and worked on Commedia outline.
Writing: 30 minutes - JUMBO
Grade: 100, NHS rehearsal + college discussion.
Grade: 100, worked on play during classtime in CAD.
Stayed after to tech NHS ceremony.
Writing: 30 minutes - JUMBO
JUMBO is a new play that I started working on... Three male characters, 22 fucks in 16 pages... Sounds a lot like David Mamet. Probably going to end up being my second two-act play.
Grade: 100
We had a history lesson today on Commedia Del 'Arte... I love history. Took notes and worked on Commedia outline.
Daniel Baker,
Is Great
Is Great
Monday, May 4, 2009
He's cool for cats
Grade: 100
I hung lights in class today and took charge of the whole class, pretty much. Kept people working, got some stuff accomplished. Not much else to say... I don't think I'm cut out for light design.
I hung lights in class today and took charge of the whole class, pretty much. Kept people working, got some stuff accomplished. Not much else to say... I don't think I'm cut out for light design.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
SOC: 20 minutes
Switching the format over to writing. Did a 20 minute SOC today. Topics covered included Smart Chips, swine flu and jalapenos. Nothing short of amazing.
Play: 20 minutes - Millard Fillmore
I started writing a play about Millard Fillmore attending a wedding... Uh... Yeah, that works for me. I think the idea is really funny, actually, and I might want to finish it. I'm not sure yet.
SAT Prep: 30 minutes
Grade: 100
Did Meisner today and had a really, really great moment with Katelin. It still hurts.
Switching the format over to writing. Did a 20 minute SOC today. Topics covered included Smart Chips, swine flu and jalapenos. Nothing short of amazing.
Play: 20 minutes - Millard Fillmore
I started writing a play about Millard Fillmore attending a wedding... Uh... Yeah, that works for me. I think the idea is really funny, actually, and I might want to finish it. I'm not sure yet.
SAT Prep: 30 minutes
Grade: 100
Did Meisner today and had a really, really great moment with Katelin. It still hurts.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Oh, Sandford.
Movement: 30 minutes
Went for a Wii Fit run today in the beautiful air conditioned house. Waaaay too hot for an outdoor run. Besides that, I did some yoga and I did a push-up challenge in the game where the goal is to do more push-ups than your trainer... Frickin' computer did 40 push-ups. I did 41. My arms still hurt...
Voice: 20 minutes
I did my warmups and the such and was helping my sister record some music for a project at school, so I was singing as well.
SAT Study: 1 hour
The math section is so much easier than it seemed on the PSAT.
Grade: 100
Meisner! I was one of the example children today... Also participated in the framing discussion. It was very interesting. I'm excited for the film project.
Went for a Wii Fit run today in the beautiful air conditioned house. Waaaay too hot for an outdoor run. Besides that, I did some yoga and I did a push-up challenge in the game where the goal is to do more push-ups than your trainer... Frickin' computer did 40 push-ups. I did 41. My arms still hurt...
Voice: 20 minutes
I did my warmups and the such and was helping my sister record some music for a project at school, so I was singing as well.
SAT Study: 1 hour
The math section is so much easier than it seemed on the PSAT.
Grade: 100
Meisner! I was one of the example children today... Also participated in the framing discussion. It was very interesting. I'm excited for the film project.
Always in the loving spirit,
Daniel Baker
Daniel Baker
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
And I know...
Movement: 20 minutes
No Wii Fit, just stretching and running on my own. It was so nice outside today.
Voice: 20 minutes
My usual warm-ups. Did a little songwriting as well, so I sang.
SAT Study: 1 hr
I decided that, if it's acceptable, that instead of reading aloud every day, I'm going to take part of my journal time to study for the SATs. Today, I did an entire chapter of Mathematics... I'm starting from the beginning and going to the end, so today was easy... Just brushed up on some properties, did some practice problems. Can't wait for the hard part.
No Wii Fit, just stretching and running on my own. It was so nice outside today.
Voice: 20 minutes
My usual warm-ups. Did a little songwriting as well, so I sang.
SAT Study: 1 hr
I decided that, if it's acceptable, that instead of reading aloud every day, I'm going to take part of my journal time to study for the SATs. Today, I did an entire chapter of Mathematics... I'm starting from the beginning and going to the end, so today was easy... Just brushed up on some properties, did some practice problems. Can't wait for the hard part.
Can't hardly wait,
Daniel Baker
Daniel Baker
Monday, April 20, 2009
Media Frenzy
Grade: 100
Holy Jesus, it's a good day. 100 for running the organizational side of striking during the day and for helping out with the program auditions during the evening... And of course, casting mine and Hope's movie, but of course, that is extracurricular, so it doesn't count.
Holy Jesus, it's a good day. 100 for running the organizational side of striking during the day and for helping out with the program auditions during the evening... And of course, casting mine and Hope's movie, but of course, that is extracurricular, so it doesn't count.
Looking around for love,
Daniel Baker
Daniel Baker
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Down rodeo
Grade: 100
Began strike... Byebye Midsummer set.
Proactive. Stayed working the whole time. Etc.
After school, stayed after to meet with the guy who's renting out the auditorium tomorrow. Hooked up some microphones and the CD player.
Began strike... Byebye Midsummer set.
Proactive. Stayed working the whole time. Etc.
After school, stayed after to meet with the guy who's renting out the auditorium tomorrow. Hooked up some microphones and the CD player.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Midsummer is over. Time for the blog to make its comeback...
Movement: 20 minutes
Went for a quick run on the Wii Fit.
Voice: 20 minutes
My daily warmups (lip trills, scales, panting, etc.) and some singing. Not much at all.
Reading Out Loud: Radio Golf by August Wilson - 20 minutes
Something contemporary. Stunning.
Grade: 100
We talked today about the future. I cried a tiny bit. Just a tiny bit... It's coming.
Movement: 20 minutes
Went for a quick run on the Wii Fit.
Voice: 20 minutes
My daily warmups (lip trills, scales, panting, etc.) and some singing. Not much at all.
Reading Out Loud: Radio Golf by August Wilson - 20 minutes
Something contemporary. Stunning.
Grade: 100
We talked today about the future. I cried a tiny bit. Just a tiny bit... It's coming.
Love Eternally,
Daniel Baker
Daniel Baker
Monday, February 23, 2009
Reasoning seasoning
Grade: 100
Did the paint inventory with Allie. Finished every can. Ran out of time before we were able to record it on the list, but left a clear indication as to which cans were the ones that needed to be accounted for, so whoever does it next, if it's someone besides Allie and me, will be able to know what they need to do. In theory.
After school, stayed for program auditions. Felt old.
Did the paint inventory with Allie. Finished every can. Ran out of time before we were able to record it on the list, but left a clear indication as to which cans were the ones that needed to be accounted for, so whoever does it next, if it's someone besides Allie and me, will be able to know what they need to do. In theory.
After school, stayed for program auditions. Felt old.
Gettin' too old for this shit,
Daniel Baker
Daniel Baker
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Grade: 100
Taught Glenn the blocking today and then gave him a quick lesson in pursuing objectives, tactics, obstacles and expectations. I wish we had had time to tell him about given circumstances.
Taught Glenn the blocking today and then gave him a quick lesson in pursuing objectives, tactics, obstacles and expectations. I wish we had had time to tell him about given circumstances.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Movement: 30 minutes
I finally went for an outdoor run. Don't know how far it was, but whatever... It was nice. Did some stretches and yoga with Wii Fit to warm up.
Voice: 20 minutes
Lip trills and scales, diaphragmatic breathing... Yay for breathing.
Book work: 20 minutes
I'm going through all of my objectives and whatnot. Also brushing up on my memorization... I'm trying, I'm trying.
I finally went for an outdoor run. Don't know how far it was, but whatever... It was nice. Did some stretches and yoga with Wii Fit to warm up.
Voice: 20 minutes
Lip trills and scales, diaphragmatic breathing... Yay for breathing.
Book work: 20 minutes
I'm going through all of my objectives and whatnot. Also brushing up on my memorization... I'm trying, I'm trying.
Love me tender,
Daniel Baker
Daniel Baker
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
My back hurts
Grade: 100
Speed-through today. Did alright. I'm working on my lines some more now, actually... Stayed after school and taped the stage. Pretty solid day.
Speed-through today. Did alright. I'm working on my lines some more now, actually... Stayed after school and taped the stage. Pretty solid day.
Daniel Baker
Daniel Baker
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Grade: 100
Made some last minute touch-ups to the lights for Bright Obvious. Put some gels, made them narrower... Blahblahblah. Then I had a battle with the microphones, trying to get them to work. In the end, I lost. I am currently tending to my wounds.
Also, I know it's 3:20am. Shut up, I'm going to bed now.
Made some last minute touch-ups to the lights for Bright Obvious. Put some gels, made them narrower... Blahblahblah. Then I had a battle with the microphones, trying to get them to work. In the end, I lost. I am currently tending to my wounds.
Also, I know it's 3:20am. Shut up, I'm going to bed now.
Dlnoevle Baklrways
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Shake your bootie
Grade: 100
Cleaned the auditorium today. Acted like a douchebag to Hopey. Gave her hugs and told her she was great. Called Matt an amateur who's too cool to spike his set because he remembers things. Overall, very productive day.
Cleaned the auditorium today. Acted like a douchebag to Hopey. Gave her hugs and told her she was great. Called Matt an amateur who's too cool to spike his set because he remembers things. Overall, very productive day.
The Lovin' Glovin' Dovin' Good Feelings Always,
Daniel Baker
Daniel Baker
Monday, January 26, 2009
I am tired!!
Grade: 100
Hung lights with Matt and Allie, and unfroze lock off trailer! 100 for solving problems.
Stayed after.
Hung lights with Matt and Allie, and unfroze lock off trailer! 100 for solving problems.
Stayed after.
Love Always,
Daniel Baker
Daniel Baker
Friday, January 23, 2009
Opinionation Operation
Grade: 100
Didn't do much today... Worked my lines for a little while. Then read 11,002 Things To Be Miserable About. What an... interesting book. I don't know what else to write. There is nothing else to write. Except, of course...
Didn't do much today... Worked my lines for a little while. Then read 11,002 Things To Be Miserable About. What an... interesting book. I don't know what else to write. There is nothing else to write. Except, of course...
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Life is a fight
Grade: 100
I deserve a 100 for working on moments... Again? Sorta. Today it was more full-on though. I think I'm doing an okay job of playing around with my character... I haven't been called out yet. At least not to the same degree as Hopey... Poor Hopey.
I deserve a 100 for working on moments... Again? Sorta. Today it was more full-on though. I think I'm doing an okay job of playing around with my character... I haven't been called out yet. At least not to the same degree as Hopey... Poor Hopey.
Taking Love To the Limit,
Daniel Baker
Daniel Baker
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Scheduled Outage at 4:00PM PST.
Movement: 20 minutes
Wii Fit, for the first time in a week or so... I did my usual. Yoga and running. I unlocked a new game in which I can challenge my virtual fitness instructor to a push-up contest. I did fifteen, he did fourteen. I win.
Voice: 20 minutes
Book Work: 30 minutes
I'm memorizing... I'm halfway through Act III, Scene I.
Grade: 100
Did a run-through of our scene today... Then did some moments. I think they're called Moments. Whatever. We did some character work... I got up from the chair. Hehe.
Wii Fit, for the first time in a week or so... I did my usual. Yoga and running. I unlocked a new game in which I can challenge my virtual fitness instructor to a push-up contest. I did fifteen, he did fourteen. I win.
Voice: 20 minutes
Book Work: 30 minutes
I'm memorizing... I'm halfway through Act III, Scene I.
Grade: 100
Did a run-through of our scene today... Then did some moments. I think they're called Moments. Whatever. We did some character work... I got up from the chair. Hehe.
Au Revoire,
Daniel Baker
Daniel Baker
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Grade: 100
Blocked my first scene FINALLY! I think I deserve a 100 because I'm playing around with the character and making choices and stuff. It's going to be an interesting performance.
Blocked my first scene FINALLY! I think I deserve a 100 because I'm playing around with the character and making choices and stuff. It's going to be an interesting performance.
Always Lovin' The Moonlight,
Daniel Baker
Daniel Baker
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Cut the kitchen
Grade: 100
Workshop with Atlantic Theatre Company... Well, it was interesting. There were some parts I agreed with and others I didn't. I liked the process but I hate how vague the objectives have to be. "To get someone to see the light." Too heady and vague. I need more concise objectives in order for it to work for me. I enjoyed the workshop though.
Workshop with Atlantic Theatre Company... Well, it was interesting. There were some parts I agreed with and others I didn't. I liked the process but I hate how vague the objectives have to be. "To get someone to see the light." Too heady and vague. I need more concise objectives in order for it to work for me. I enjoyed the workshop though.
Love Is More Than Just A Game For Two Always,
Daniel Baker
Daniel Baker
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I'm pleasant
Grade: 100
We saw Cripple of Inishmaan today... Good stuff. Participated in the post-show discussion.... Behaved myself on NJ Transit... Didn't get my car towed for parking in a school zone... I deserve a 100.
We saw Cripple of Inishmaan today... Good stuff. Participated in the post-show discussion.... Behaved myself on NJ Transit... Didn't get my car towed for parking in a school zone... I deserve a 100.
Letting Love Reign Down Upon You,
Daniel Baker
Daniel Baker
Monday, January 12, 2009
Oh yeah, life goes on
Grade: 100
Light inventory... yaaaay... I'm so bloody tired. Let's see... Did I do anything else today? No, the light inventory took up just about all my time. Shop went by fast today... Byebye.
Light inventory... yaaaay... I'm so bloody tired. Let's see... Did I do anything else today? No, the light inventory took up just about all my time. Shop went by fast today... Byebye.
Love Always,
Rakin' Shakin' Daniel Bakin'
Rakin' Shakin' Daniel Bakin'
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Suze Orman is angry
Grade: 100
Hurrah for finishing Masonite and trying to figure out the damned orchestra lights. I also mapped out the chain link fence (or started to at least...) with Matt. I worked the whole time and learned some new stuff about the house lights... So, that's good. Always good to keep learning.
Hurrah for finishing Masonite and trying to figure out the damned orchestra lights. I also mapped out the chain link fence (or started to at least...) with Matt. I worked the whole time and learned some new stuff about the house lights... So, that's good. Always good to keep learning.
Alive with the glory of love,
Daniel Baker
Daniel Baker
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Forest music
Grade: 100
I'm tired. I deserve a 100 for participating in the workshop with Rachel. Stella Adler has an interesting method. I think I'm gonna look more into it. Anyway, we didn't do much else, so I don't have much else to write about. I stayed after school and "mentored" Danielle in stage managing... Oh boy.
I'm tired. I deserve a 100 for participating in the workshop with Rachel. Stella Adler has an interesting method. I think I'm gonna look more into it. Anyway, we didn't do much else, so I don't have much else to write about. I stayed after school and "mentored" Danielle in stage managing... Oh boy.
Rekab Leinad,
Syawla Evol
Syawla Evol
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Candy Island
Grade: 100
I deserve a 100 today for getting the cyc out of the way. Matt and I made a pretty nifty little rig to bring things up and down that annoying (and dirty) balcony/catwalk/whatever it is. Then we laid Masonite and were being too anal for our own good. I was working the whole time... I deserve a 100, please and thank you.
I deserve a 100 today for getting the cyc out of the way. Matt and I made a pretty nifty little rig to bring things up and down that annoying (and dirty) balcony/catwalk/whatever it is. Then we laid Masonite and were being too anal for our own good. I was working the whole time... I deserve a 100, please and thank you.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Aw, Hope just told me I'm a good writer
Grade: 100
Stayed after today for the Bright Obvious rehearsal. In school, we started prepping for Midsummer. I'm very excited about it. I started writing the press release and at home I started to record a rough copy of something I composed. I have no idea what it could be used for, but it's kinda dark. And has reverb. So maybe like... a cave. Yes, a cave. I don't care if there's no cave in Midsummer.
Stayed after today for the Bright Obvious rehearsal. In school, we started prepping for Midsummer. I'm very excited about it. I started writing the press release and at home I started to record a rough copy of something I composed. I have no idea what it could be used for, but it's kinda dark. And has reverb. So maybe like... a cave. Yes, a cave. I don't care if there's no cave in Midsummer.
Always Love,
Daniel Baker
Daniel Baker
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