Saturday, January 31, 2009


Grade: 100
Made some last minute touch-ups to the lights for Bright Obvious. Put some gels, made them narrower... Blahblahblah. Then I had a battle with the microphones, trying to get them to work. In the end, I lost. I am currently tending to my wounds.

Also, I know it's 3:20am. Shut up, I'm going to bed now.

Dlnoevle Baklrways

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Shake your bootie

Grade: 100
Cleaned the auditorium today. Acted like a douchebag to Hopey. Gave her hugs and told her she was great. Called Matt an amateur who's too cool to spike his set because he remembers things. Overall, very productive day.

The Lovin' Glovin' Dovin' Good Feelings Always,
Daniel Baker

Monday, January 26, 2009

I am tired!!

Grade: 100
Hung lights with Matt and Allie, and unfroze lock off trailer! 100 for solving problems.
Stayed after.

Love Always,

Daniel Baker

Friday, January 23, 2009

Opinionation Operation

Grade: 100
Didn't do much today... Worked my lines for a little while. Then read 11,002 Things To Be Miserable About. What an... interesting book. I don't know what else to write. There is nothing else to write. Except, of course...


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Life is a fight

Grade: 100
I deserve a 100 for working on moments... Again? Sorta. Today it was more full-on though. I think I'm doing an okay job of playing around with my character... I haven't been called out yet. At least not to the same degree as Hopey... Poor Hopey.

Taking Love To the Limit,
Daniel Baker

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Scheduled Outage at 4:00PM PST.

Movement: 20 minutes
Wii Fit, for the first time in a week or so... I did my usual. Yoga and running. I unlocked a new game in which I can challenge my virtual fitness instructor to a push-up contest. I did fifteen, he did fourteen. I win.

Voice: 20 minutes

Book Work: 30 minutes
I'm memorizing... I'm halfway through Act III, Scene I.

Grade: 100
Did a run-through of our scene today... Then did some moments. I think they're called Moments. Whatever. We did some character work... I got up from the chair. Hehe.

Au Revoire,
Daniel Baker

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Grade: 100
Blocked my first scene FINALLY! I think I deserve a 100 because I'm playing around with the character and making choices and stuff. It's going to be an interesting performance.

Always Lovin' The Moonlight,
Daniel Baker

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cut the kitchen

Grade: 100
Workshop with Atlantic Theatre Company... Well, it was interesting. There were some parts I agreed with and others I didn't. I liked the process but I hate how vague the objectives have to be. "To get someone to see the light." Too heady and vague. I need more concise objectives in order for it to work for me. I enjoyed the workshop though.

Love Is More Than Just A Game For Two Always,
Daniel Baker

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm pleasant

Grade: 100
We saw Cripple of Inishmaan today... Good stuff. Participated in the post-show discussion.... Behaved myself on NJ Transit... Didn't get my car towed for parking in a school zone... I deserve a 100.

Letting Love Reign Down Upon You,
Daniel Baker

Monday, January 12, 2009

Oh yeah, life goes on

Grade: 100
Light inventory... yaaaay... I'm so bloody tired. Let's see... Did I do anything else today? No, the light inventory took up just about all my time. Shop went by fast today... Byebye.

Love Always,
Rakin' Shakin' Daniel Bakin'

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Suze Orman is angry

Grade: 100
Hurrah for finishing Masonite and trying to figure out the damned orchestra lights. I also mapped out the chain link fence (or started to at least...) with Matt. I worked the whole time and learned some new stuff about the house lights... So, that's good. Always good to keep learning.

Alive with the glory of love,
Daniel Baker

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Forest music

Grade: 100
I'm tired. I deserve a 100 for participating in the workshop with Rachel. Stella Adler has an interesting method. I think I'm gonna look more into it. Anyway, we didn't do much else, so I don't have much else to write about. I stayed after school and "mentored" Danielle in stage managing... Oh boy.

Rekab Leinad,
Syawla Evol

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Candy Island

Grade: 100
I deserve a 100 today for getting the cyc out of the way. Matt and I made a pretty nifty little rig to bring things up and down that annoying (and dirty) balcony/catwalk/whatever it is. Then we laid Masonite and were being too anal for our own good. I was working the whole time... I deserve a 100, please and thank you.



Monday, January 5, 2009

Aw, Hope just told me I'm a good writer

Grade: 100
Stayed after today for the Bright Obvious rehearsal. In school, we started prepping for Midsummer. I'm very excited about it. I started writing the press release and at home I started to record a rough copy of something I composed. I have no idea what it could be used for, but it's kinda dark. And has reverb. So maybe like... a cave. Yes, a cave. I don't care if there's no cave in Midsummer.

Always Love,
Daniel Baker